After eating, she sat for a long time, fingers caressing around the necklace that had been made from her hair, and the beads and clasp that had been made from a bauble that had been given to her long ago by her own parents. It was a simple thing, but made from love, each strand, each bead a testament of love. As she sat, she gathered the strength of mind and heart that would be needed. Ready, she stepped from the wagon and looked to Rook, telling him that she wished to go to the pyre wagon. This elder man that was her closest friend, her confidante and her rock, stood and offered her is hand.
Walking to the pyre wagon, words did not pass between them, for words were not needed. Upon arriving, she saw some of Loch's men there, guarding their leader. Some still wore the bandages over wounds that had been suffered, but still they were there. A thought came to her, that she had not even asked as to which others had been lost in battle. Later she would find out, and later she would see to their families. For a moment she stood there just staring at the steps that led up to the platform, gathering the strength for what would come next. As if sensing the pain and fear that battled within her, Rook squeezed her hand. There was just something in the gentle strength in that gnarled old hand that gave her that last little bit of courage that she needed. Mounting the steps slowly, she entered the wagon, closing the flaps behind her.
He lay on a raised platform of furs, the flickering lights of the lamps causing shadows to dance around his handsome features. Moving to him she knelt down, a trembling hand moving to take one of his. It was cold, lifeless, waxy feeling, but she held to it now, the same as she had held to it when life flowed through him. Leaning her head over, foreheads touched and she allowed tears to flow. She could smell the oils and unguents that had been used to cleanse and prepare his body, and perhaps it was only a memory in her mind that also allowed her to inhale of the scent of him that was so familiar. She ached, wanting the feel of his strong arms around her once more. She longed for the tone of his voice as he spoke quietly to her as they lay for many nights planning their future. With her eyes closed, she could hear his laugh, that teasing tone of his voice as he kidded her. This was the man that had taught her to live once more after Tayco died, and now here she was once more, not knowing exactly how she would find the strength to move forward along the path that was her life.
Allowing these moments to pass, she finally lifted her forehead from his, and caressed that scarred cheek for the last times and spoke softly as she fastened the necklace around the strong column of his neck, ignoring the injuries that were there.
"I love you Lochlan Noir, but you know that. More than once I have told you that I was remiss in not saying that often enough, but you would always tell me that my love for you came through in my actions more than my words. I need for you know that same thing about yourself. You made me feel loved, safe and secure each day that we spent together. You brought me hope, when I thought none existed. You taught me to laugh again, to enjoy life again, in a world that I was certain held no more laughter for me. We did not always agree, and there were a few times when harsh words spilled from us, but I think that even in our disagreements, the bond between us grew stronger. And, was not the making up enjoyable? You loved me, and you allowed me to be me. For that, I have always found more love and respect for you. I make you this promise tonight. A promise that I will never dishonor your memory or that love you gave to me. I promise that I will raise our child to know what kind of man its' father was. I will seek out your mother, have her tell me of your life before you came here, so that our child will know the rich heritage that came from both its parents."
Her fingers move to trace of the necklace that she had fastened around his throat. "I have brought you a token of myself to seal that promise. Something for you to take with you upon your ride to your ancestors. And when you see the face of your father there, tell him that I said thank you. Thank him for me for sharing you with me for this short time. Tell him that I will raise his grandchild to honor not only you, but him. I love you Lochlan, and I will always love you. You will always have a place in my heart. Ride well my love, and wait for me."
Leaning over, she placed a soft, lingering kiss to his lips than sat back up, just studying him for a long time, letting the quiet tears make tracks down her cheeks. Her hand moved to caress over her stomach where new life was taking form. A life that was made from the love of two people. Eventually, she stood and back away towards the flap of the wagon, loathe to leave him, but she knew she must.
When she stepped out onto the platform, the cold air of the night caressed her cheeks, causing the trail of tears to freeze upon her flesh. Looking up, it seemed as if the clouds parted to give her glimpse of the stars that lay behind them, and she feel a wave of dizziness take her. She whispered his name once more, then all that had happened in the past few days rushed in on her at once, and she collapsed to the platform in a swoon.
Rook was there, and caught her. Taking her up, he carried her as one would carry a small child, back to her wagons. If any were to look closely, they would see the dampness of his own tears on that many scarred cheek. She was put to bed and a healer called to check on her. And this night, he would not sleep in his own wagon, he would not sleep on the platform of hers.
This night he sat beside her, holding that small hand in his grasp. When the first rays of the Central Fire would come the next morning, he would still be there, quiet, strong and still as a stone, keeping watch over her.
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