She had finally emerged from her wagon, looking haggard and worn. Sleep had finally come to her, a sleep of disturbing dreams. Fortunately, she does not remember them. Rook offered to get her more tea, but she held a hand up. No more tea. She was not sure that it was good for the baby, so she would have no more of it. She would handle what came on her own, without the aid of such.
Settling down to the platform, she pulled her knees up, holding to them tightly. She knew that he had not been there for the battle, but she also knew that he would know what had happened. When she asked for details, he told her......later. She told him no, now. She needed to know now.
Taking her hand, he began to speak in a calm, even tone, telling her of what he knew. The one word that caused her to start was Kassar. If she did not hate them already, she surely did now. This would make twice that rogue Kassar had stolen her life. He squeezed her hand, telling her that from all accounts, Loch had died an honorable death, and had fought well. Was this supposed to make her feel better? If so, it didn't. But, she did accept it.
She noticed that there was much activity around her wagons, then realized it was her family. Anya was making bread, and Elena was adding dung chips to the fire, and starting a kettle of blackwine. Leaning to look around the corner of the wagon, she saw Ephrim and Hiram playing with Tug, as he peppered them with questions. Enos was sitting near by with a young woman she did not know. Was this the one she had heard of, the one that had caught her brothers eye? She would have to find out, but not right now. Only Dorian was not here, but he was probably on patrol, then she saw Gabriel, off to himself, which was quite common with him. Her family, there for her.
As they sat there, a slave approached. In her basket was a meal, actually more than one. She said the food was from one of the outer wagons, the family of the singer Ba'atar. She was touched by the gesture. Rook called kasra over to help the girl with the baskets. Watching them, she told him of when Six had died, of her taking food, and of her visit with the young man before he died.
She had found she had liked their mother, and at the time had vowed to visit her again. Sadly, it had not happened, just as many things did not happen. You got involved with life, and often forgot promises that you had made yourself.
Perhaps later, she would keep that promise. In fact, she found she was also thinking of taking Tug and spending more time with her own family in the outer wagons. Time would tell whether or not she did such. Right now, she would make no promises, to herself or anyone else. She just did not have the energy.
Elena saw her, and brought her a bowl of blackwine. Taking it, she was not real sure she could keep it down, but still she tried to smile her thanks. She was told she should eat, but shook her head at that. She knew she would not keep it down, but again she spoke words of appreciation. She watched as Elena withdrew and walked to Anya. They soon had their head together, talking in whispers.
She was too tired to even care. Rook spoke to her, telling that he knew she was hurting, but he also knew she must eat. She promised him..........tomorrow. Tomorrow she would live again, but tonight she only wanted to be alone. Standing, she moved back into the wagon, tying the flaps tightly behind her. Yes, tomorrow would be soon enough.
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