She had been sitting at the fires, alone, playing her flute, something she has done quite a bit of lately. It soothes her, and takes her mind off of other things. She had tucked the flute away when people began to drift to the fires, not everyone appreciated her music.
There was the usual banter. The bosk hunter was seeing naked women, Leonette was blushing when she teased her about her new mate Wily, and the other singer showed up with a small wound on her lip, which Ba'atar jumped all over. Seems that the young woman got in the way of a swinging, hot spoon. Easy to do sometimes. There was more good natured teasing, which she enjoyed, then Leonette dashes away, promising to return.
When she returned, she had the drum for Ba'atar. She had told Cana about it, but had finally gotten up the courage to give it to the singer. You could tell from the grin on his features that he was pleased. You could also see the pique of interest on T'zuri's face. The woman had a fondness for drums, and this one was well made, and as it turned out, had a very nice tone to it.
It was Leonette that asked for a song. Taking her flute out again, she began to play a traditional song about their love of the bosk. Ba'atar joined in with the rhythmic tap on the skin of the drum, then T'zuri stood and began to sing. It was beautiful, truly beautiful. The song floated on the night air like a dream, the flute lifting the melody, which was enriched by the tone of the drum and the low hum that came from Ba'atar, then truly made beautiful by the sweet, clear voice of T'zuri, singing about that which gave them life........the bosk.
It was beautiful. A simple song made beautiful by the people that presented it from their hearts as an offering to that which they revered most. It was a good night to be Tuchuk. A good night to feel that pride that came from the blood and the soul. With her eyes closed, she could actually envision it floating above their head, the notes swirling higher and higher until the joined the stars.
When it was over, she did not truly wish to talk any more and excused herself to go to her wagons, holding the melody to her heart.
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