The only thing that races across the plains faster than wild fire, is gossip. It had started late the previous afternoon, coming first from the mouth of a scout, then spreading. There had been wagons seen in the distance to the north, the lost ones were finally catching up. This thrilled her, made everything right in her world. She is one that needs things to be the same as always. It might seem strange, but when a part of her world is not in order, the whole thing just seems to not spin right. It is like having a spoke broken on a wagon wheel, until it is repaired, the wheel just does not turn properly. Perhaps all her spokes were now back in order.
She had been walking beside the bosk that pulled one of her wagons, prodding them along from time to time, lost in her thoughts when she felt a hand upon her shoulder. "Walking is good, but you must be sure to not overdo it." Her head turned to look into the face of Birrmah, and a gentle smile was given to the woman. They walk side by side for a time, talking of the trail, the storm, and how good it was to be moving again. "One of Ba'atar's men just arrived. He said that he others should catch up by tonight. My son had sent him ahead to let us know that he was safe, and had returned." Was there an easing to her heat? Perhaps so. She had been feeling a bit guilty for telling him of those that stayed behind. When he had heard, he reacted as most would, he said that he would return, to see why they had stayed, and to escort them in their quest to catch up. She remembered that he had said.....three days. I will be back in three days, and those three days had now stretched into an entire moon. Looking over at the woman, she smiles. "It is good to know that they are safe, and will soon be back among the fold."
The woman had nodded, her eyes straight ahead to watch the wagons that stretched out before them. "Yes, I have missed my son. He is onery, but I love him, just as I love them all." Turning her head, the dark eyes openly study the younger woman walking beside her. "You have missed him too?" Shoulders shrug. "I have missed them all, but yes, I have missed him around the fires, he brings laughter." The woman grunted softly, but there was a light of pride in her dark eyes. "Yes, that is Ba'atar, the bringer of laughter and song." She studies the younger woman more. "You grow near to your time." It was not a question, but a simple statement of fact, that came from a woman that had been lucky enough to bear nine sons. She nods. "Yes, within the next moon,by my calculations." Her hand move along her swollen belly as the child stretched and moved. "My child is eager to come into this world, but I keep telling him to be patient, all things come within their time."
Again the woman studies her, then reaches a hand to lay on her shoulder, staying her steps for a few moments. She then drops her hands to the swelling. They caress along it then stop as they find the place where the baby was making itself know, and she smiles. "There is no feeling quite like that of feeling a babe quickening in the womb. I have felt it many times, but still it is an amazement to me." The younger woman smiles. " I know. He often keeps me up in the night, and I talk to him, telling him of all the wonders that await him on this side." There is only the briefest flash of sadness in the hazel gaze. "I long to share those moments, but it was not meant to be, so I treasure them in my heart.".
One of the hands that had been resting on the young woman's belly, lifts to lay on her cheek, as the woman studies her. "Cana, in the few times that I have spent time with you, I have come to be very fond of you. You must promise me that when the baby is born, if you need anything that you will let me know." This touched her, and she smiled, lifting a hand to touch the arm of the one that lay on her cheek. "I promise that I will. In fact, I am honored by your friendship and your offer of help." The hand pats her cheek, then lowers. "Good. Now, you will take the advice of a woman that has done this many times. You will rest while you can. Walking is good, it keeps the hips limber, but from the looks of you, you also need to be resting, storing strength for the birthing. Now, let us stop this wagon, and get you inside. You will ride the rest of the day."
Birrmah lifts her hand to the driver, and he stops. She then slips an arm around Cana's waist and guides her back to the steps and helps her inside. "When we stop, you will send that one girl of yours, the one that talks to my wagons. I will send your dinner back with her. My sons hunted early this morning, and there is fresh prairie vulo, I will make a nice soup from part of it and send to you." Before she steps into the wagon, she leans down to kiss the woman's cheek and smile. "I will look forward to it, for I grow a bit weary of jerky and bread. Thank you." Without another word, the woman nods then turns to walk back towards her own wagons.
Going inside, and crawling into her furs, she found her spirits had been lifted by the woman's visit. Laying there, she thinks on the woman's visit, and finds that it had somehow brought her peace. Maybe she had been missing the simple words of an older woman during this time. It is funny how so simple a gesture on the woman's part, could mean so much. Soon the rocking of the wagon, lulled her into a much needed sleep.
Her time grew closer and closer, and the rest was needed to build her strength for it.
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