She was again in that nice, cozy place between sleep and being fully awake, where there was a pounding on the side of her wagon, that made her heart race from fear and surprise. "Wench, I have returned!" Good skies above, could it be? She went to pull the flap open a slit. "Give me a minute, I am not dressed yet." He gave her that grin. "Then let me come in, wench! I don't mind." She hurmphs and ties the flap back, and dresses quickly, gathering her unruly hair into some semblance of a braid before she steps out. He was lounging on the steps and looked up at her. "Skies woman, you have grown." She wanted to just kick his arrogant arse, but simply lowered down onto the steps beside him. "That happens when three days stretches into almost six hands. You are well?
Sitting up a bit straighter he looked her over like she might be some prize heifer and nods. "Yes, the trip took longer than I had expected, but I am back, and you can stop missing me." Her eyes roll as she tries to wrap her arms around her middle. "I have not missed you one wit, but, I would ask that you stop by the wagon behind this one, and speak to Tug, he seems to have missed you somewhat." She almost slapped him when he reached a hand out to lay on her belly, lighly. " I will. I have missed the boy, and his name is One." Now how do you still an unborn child that takes that very moment to stretch and move? You don't. A slow smile spread across his face then he looked into her eyes. "He is a strong one. Were you my woman, I would sleep each night with my cheek on your belly, and tell him of all the things I had in store for him." She pushes the hand off, and tries to cover her discomfort with a laugh. "Well, I am not your woman, and I tell him all he needs to know." He laughed at her. " A pity! So, how much longer,wench?"
She was relieved to see Rook come up with the bosk to hitch to the wagon,. He nodded to Ba'atar and grunted, as he walked past. "Within the next moon. Why?" He slides off of the platform, and extends his hand to help her down. "I wanted to know, that is why." Taking his hand, she slides off the platform as gracefully as she can, smoothing her dress down over her bulging body. He then surprises her by leaning to kiss her temple before he begins to walk away. "I will stop and tell One that I am back, and he can stop worrying. And you can too, wench. I have patrols, but I will be around." After he walked off, she thought of many retorts, but at that particular moment, she was stunned and stood there in silence for a moment, before she too turned and walked off in the opposite direction, muttering softly to herself. But had you looked, you would have seen a small smile on her face.
One thing about the man, he was amusing.
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