Monday, April 14, 2008

A River Runs Through It.

The journey thus far had been difficult on many, and right now, the trail seemed endless. Her eyes constantly browsed the horizon and the passing lands for familiar landmarks. This morning, she had actually stood up in the wagon seat, placing a hand on Gabe's shoulder for balance, and saw that which she had been longing. The first thing she had noticed were trees, precious trees, they could mean only one thing.........the river. Sitting back down, she felt a lift of hope. The longer they traveled, the more she could see. At one point, she could see it winding among the trees, and across the land like a silver ribbon. A ribbon that gave life. A ribbon that would allow them to stop for a few days, to rest and make much needed repairs. It would also give the out riders time to scout out the best place for crossing.

She had been bouncing along on the seat of the wagon, deep into her own thoughts when she realized a rider had come even with them. A rider that seemed to be in a daze of his own. It was Kam, and she was so glad to see him. They had not had the time to spend much time together during this journey, and she had missed not only him, but their talks.

She loved this elder warrior of the tribe, more than some might know. He had been one of the first that had truly seemed to accept her when she first came to the fires, and over that time, her love and respect of the man had grown steadily. He had watched over her during difficult times in her life. He had teased her, kidded her, and even scolded her a time or two, but the thing he had done, that was the most important is that he listened to her and he imparted the wisdom of his life to her.

She does not think he truly understands how much his approval means to her, but it does. They had talked of several things. Trilok, his ordeal, how it changed him, and how he longed to talk Noya as his mate. They had talked of Loch, and the rest of the Noirs and how they had given her life again, and she told him how much she appreciated it, and how she loved them all for it. And again, he had imparted wisdom to her. He told her that what she did with her life, would show her love for them. Something to truly think upon.

He told her that Loch had given her life again, that he had showed her how to live, laugh and love again, and that if she took all that he had showed her and used it, then love would find her again. Funny that he spoke such, for that subject was one that she wished to speak to him on. She thinks that love has found her again, and she tells him of the man, how he cared for her, his excitement at the birth of the child that she carried.

He told her he would never have a problem with her finding love again and having a life. But he did say that the child she carried was his great grand son, and he looked forward to watching him grow. There would be no way that she would keep the child from him. Noir blood ran through the baby's veins and he would know that part of his family.

She grew weary, and went inside to nap, feeling much better. Just knowing that Kam still cared for her and still respected her, calmed some of the fears in her heart. She had every intention of making a life for herself, but to know that others cared, made it easier.

When she awoke, she realized they were no longer moving. Getting up, she poked her head out between the flaps and asked Gabriel what was wrong. He had laughed and told her nothing was wrong then pointed. Crawling out, she stood in the seat, allowing her gaze to follow where his arm extended to and she smiled. It was the most beautiful thing she had seen in a very long time. It was the Central Fire sinking into the horizon, its rays turning that silver ribbon into brilliant shades of purple and gold.

It was the river.

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