Lifting her skirt she had ran along the row of wagons in search of someone, well more than one someone. To be completely safe, she wanted more than one involved in this. If she could, she would put the power of the entire haruspex clan to work here. Spying Arkus, she grabbed him by the shoulders and told him that she needed to speak to his mother, and now!
She was at the main fires, pacing and muttering to herself, trying to put the pieces of all of this in some sort of order, when Tarra found her. Up until now, she had tried to keep the dreams to herself. The only one she had shared them with had been Fonce.
She trusts Fonce, and his skills, if that is what you would call them. Some call them a gift, others a calling, some maybe even a curse. All she knows is that if there is going to be someone walking around in her dreams, placing boot steps on her psyche, sliding fingers along her fears, hopes and soul, she wants it to be him. He is the only one she trusts with that.
But there is another issue here besides her. There are the children to consider, and that is her mission today, to find protection for her children. Carefully, she tells Tarra of the dreams, of the emotions of fear and horror that they bring out in her. Then she tells her of another fear, one that was eclipsing what the thing in the void was doing to her. Her fear that it would go after her innocent children next. That it would not stop until it had consumed everything.
Tarra understood exactly what she spoke of, and without even being asked, promised to protect her babies. She allowed that she would speak to Fonce, to make sure that nothing she would do would interfere with what he was doing in the dreams, and that she would also speak to him about drawing Mezoo into help her.
Cana had been very impressed the first time that the children had encountered Mezoo, and in the way the young spex seemed to read them, their individual personalities, their individual talents. Knowing that she would be helping Tarra, bolstered her spirit even more. Just as she trusted Fonce with her own well being, she could trusts these two women with that of her children.
She had also extracted a promise from Tarra on another issue that involved her children. She has been giving thought as to what would happen to them, should something happen to her.
Tug has no family left in the camp, but he does have Rook, and this is the one that she trusts above all others to raise her son as a Tuchuk. Tarra has promised to take Another One, since he is her grandson. The others, will go to Aamon and Birmmah, since they are their blood family. She knows they will care for them, and that Ayguili will look after them, but she still asks Tarra to keep an eye out for them, and to not let them forget who their father was, and what he had done for his people.
In the end, she felt better. Those that were the most precious to her would now be protected, cared for and guided. This was a worry that she no longer had to think on. Well, not as much. She was a mother, she would always worry about her children, but she did not feel so alone when it came to that now.
In the end, if she was not there, they would thrive and proper among their people, as it should be.
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