Rook and the boys had been successful and brought several nice, fat, prairie vulo back for her. Part of them were used to make her vulo and dumplings, but one was set aside for another purpose. This one was cleaned and put into a different pot with very little seasoning. It was cooked until the meat literally fell from the bones. The meat was taken out, and the broth fortified with a roux of verr butter, flour and milk to make it a bit more substantial, but not something that would disturb a delicate tummy. The meat was chopped, seasoned and rolled up in some flatbread, then wrapped snugly.
Rummaging around in the supply wagon she finally found the small crock jars of dried berries. These were boiled then wrapped in a cloth and the juices from them squeezed out into one pot, and the fruit and pits set aside to make a jam out of. The juice was warmed with some sugars until they had dissolved then was put into a crockery bottle with a long, slender neck and corked. Calling twist over, she sent the girl to the stream with the juice, explaining that she had to find a spot to set the bottle where the cool waters would flow around it and cool it, but not in a place where the current would tip it over and send it down the stream. It would stay there until the juice was chilled.
Next she made some honey cakes. Part would be a treat for her children and the rest packed into the basket she was preparing. Next she added a mixture of willow bark tea to a small jar. If Asria could get the poor child to even drink a bit of this tea it might help to bring her fever down.
When all the preparations were done, she packed the small pot of vulo broth into the basket and laid the vulo filled flatbreads in beside it, along with honey cakes wrapped in a cloth, and the jar of tea. Also had been watching her with his usual quiet way and asked if they were going on a picnic. She had knelt down beside where he sat and explained to him that his friend Lei was not feeling well, and they were fixing a basket of things to make her feel better. He had studied her for a long time then tugged on her hand to get her to stand. She really had too much to do to play with him, but she just could not refuse him and went with him.
He was a little man on a mission, and seemed to know exactly where he was going and what he wanted. Climbing up the steps to her personal wagon he kept telling her to come on. Inside, he leaned over that small pot of flowers that they had transported from the plains a few hands ago. Instead of just the two small ones there were now several, sweet blossoms in the pot. He looked up and in almost a whisper said…."For Lei" It almost took her breath away, that even as small as he was, he knew the flowers might make his friends place a little brighter, and he was willing to part with them simply for that reason. She had knelt down beside him, placing a kiss to his head and told him that she thought that Lei would love them, and in fact, they would dress them up a little. From her supply of ribbons, she found a length that was long enough and just the right shade of pink. They tied the ribbon around the pot, made a bow then carried it back outside.
So off they went, walking through the lanes of wagons, her with her basket of food for Asria and Lia, and Also with his treasured flowers which were to be a gift for his friend. At the young year keepers wagons she found an older woman to give the basket to, telling her what each item was and asking her to give them to Asria. Mother and child were both sleeping and she didn't want to disturb them.
Also held up his pot of flowers and said simply.....For Lia, my friend.
With his hand in hers she walked back to her wagons, very proud of her son, just as she was proud of all her children. Hopefully, their simple offerings would not only make Lia feel better, but would also tell Asria that she cared.
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