In the night.
Darkness. Total and complete darkness. It was not the dark of the plains on a night when the stars hide behind the thick clouds. There was no sky, no stars, no moons, no grass, no ground, no waters, nothing. She was not even sure if she was standing or lying down, for there was nothing for her to gauge herself on.
Fear invaded her, simply because of the lack of anything familiar. Wherever she was it was devoid of light, sound, smell or even taste. She is a woman that has lived her entire life surrounded by life. Her first fleeting memories are of the sights and sounds of her family wagons. Flashes of color, the sounds of laughter, the aroma of roasting meats, baking breads and even the leather that her mother worked. The smell of the kaiila that always seemed to cling to her father, and the bosk that were such a big part of her world.
She cannot ever remember spending a moment of her life in total silence. Even in the peace of a walk in the darkest hours of the night, there is still the sound of the herds, the laugher of people nearby, the cry of a baby, the hum of an outrider singing to the bosk. Life.
There is none of that here.
Slowly a sound reaches her ears and it take a moment for her to recognize it. It is the sound of her own shallow breathing, then the sound of her pounding heart. Never has either one of them sounded so sweet, but yet frightening at the same time.
She is alone, but yet not alone. Totally blind in the lack of light, she is aware of something there with her, of some sibilant creature near. She cannot see, feel or smell it, but she is acutely aware that it is there in the void with her. And it is growing, changing and she can almost feel it trying to invade her, feel her out, suck what life she is hanging onto out of her. To sever that delicate thread of sanity, to cast her adrift in the void.
Somewhere, her mind tells her to run, to move, but to where, how? She just cannot make the connection between her mind and her body?
When she awakens, the scream that had been held in her throat until it had become painful finally rents the silence of her wagons. The girl sleeping near the flaps bolt out in search of Rook.
There is no mind paid to propriety, he barges into her wagons to find her gulping for air, seeming unable to make that simple life-giving motion. Grabbing her up out of the furs, he begins to pound on her back to try and force her to breathe. Finally, a hard shuddering breath escapes, followed by another, to his relief.
With relief he holds her against his chest trying to calm her, until she is able to whisper.........
I have been with death.
Darkness. Total and complete darkness. It was not the dark of the plains on a night when the stars hide behind the thick clouds. There was no sky, no stars, no moons, no grass, no ground, no waters, nothing. She was not even sure if she was standing or lying down, for there was nothing for her to gauge herself on.
Fear invaded her, simply because of the lack of anything familiar. Wherever she was it was devoid of light, sound, smell or even taste. She is a woman that has lived her entire life surrounded by life. Her first fleeting memories are of the sights and sounds of her family wagons. Flashes of color, the sounds of laughter, the aroma of roasting meats, baking breads and even the leather that her mother worked. The smell of the kaiila that always seemed to cling to her father, and the bosk that were such a big part of her world.
She cannot ever remember spending a moment of her life in total silence. Even in the peace of a walk in the darkest hours of the night, there is still the sound of the herds, the laugher of people nearby, the cry of a baby, the hum of an outrider singing to the bosk. Life.
There is none of that here.
Slowly a sound reaches her ears and it take a moment for her to recognize it. It is the sound of her own shallow breathing, then the sound of her pounding heart. Never has either one of them sounded so sweet, but yet frightening at the same time.
She is alone, but yet not alone. Totally blind in the lack of light, she is aware of something there with her, of some sibilant creature near. She cannot see, feel or smell it, but she is acutely aware that it is there in the void with her. And it is growing, changing and she can almost feel it trying to invade her, feel her out, suck what life she is hanging onto out of her. To sever that delicate thread of sanity, to cast her adrift in the void.
Somewhere, her mind tells her to run, to move, but to where, how? She just cannot make the connection between her mind and her body?
When she awakens, the scream that had been held in her throat until it had become painful finally rents the silence of her wagons. The girl sleeping near the flaps bolt out in search of Rook.
There is no mind paid to propriety, he barges into her wagons to find her gulping for air, seeming unable to make that simple life-giving motion. Grabbing her up out of the furs, he begins to pound on her back to try and force her to breathe. Finally, a hard shuddering breath escapes, followed by another, to his relief.
With relief he holds her against his chest trying to calm her, until she is able to whisper.........
I have been with death.
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