She pulled out of the land of dreams slowly, her eyes barely opening to realize it was still dark. Part of her argued the virtue of getting an early start on her day, but there was this other part that was warm and cozy and was loathe to disturb that. She could feel Ba'atar's breath on her cheek as he snored softly. It all made her smile, and take sides with that warm and cozy part of her. She snuggled more into him, thinking that a few more ihn in the furs, did not make her lazy. She was just about to doze off, when one of his men clomped up the steps of their wagon and called to him through the flaps. So much for being lazy. Her mate dressed quickly, gave her a kiss and a nice firm slap to her backside and said he would see her later, then was gone.
That urge to crawl back into the furs that were still warm from the heat of their bodies, beckoned to her like a siren beckons to a sailor to crash on the rocks, but she fought the urge off an dressed. Stepping out onto the platform she was pleased to see the camp slaves cleaning, stoking fires, filling water barrels, all under the watchful eye of nithya. When she stepped down, his slave was immediately aware and brought her the mug of tea, then told her that the morning meal was almost ready, and that there were two slaves that had taken all the laundry down to the stream. Now how awesome was all of that?
Ogladai showed up to get the boys for their fishing expedition that he had planned for that morning. At the last minute Rook decided to join them, with a promise to show them how to trap turtles. This left her with Two, who would end up accompanying her on her rounds today. Soon everyone was fed and off to their adventures for the day, and it was time for her to begin hers.
She knew that nithya needed to stay close to the wagons in case Ba'atar were to need her, or want her, whichever the case was, so she chose juneau and the new girl twist to help her today. Now, once you got past that odd eye thing, twist was fairly attractive and a hard worker, and the girl seemed to be able to carry twice her weight in goods. Goodness!
Their first stop was to deliver meat to some that had no one to hunt for them. And as usual, these particular people were thrilled to see her and the meat that she brought. And as usual, each offered her a cup of tea, and even precious bowls of blackwine that she had to graciously refuse, by telling them she was with child again, and would not be partaking of her favorite beverage for now. One elder woman made her laugh by telling her that as often she was pregnant, she would probably never get to taste the stuff again. There was a lot of truth in that.
There were also deliveries of salt, sugar and bags of flour for those that were running short. She had to think back to before the move when she had worked so hard to make sure all the supply wagons were full of staples that everyone would need, and made a mental note to herself to put away even more next season.
At the wagons of the elder leather worker who was losing her sight daily, there was a special delivery. Inside the already over heated wagon, she set the pot of vulo and dumplings that she had made for the old woman on one of the braziers and sent the girls to make sure the old woman's water barrels and dung sacks were full, while she visited.
As the food warmed, she made tea and listened to the old woman talk. It had occurred to her more than once, that there was a loneliness to the woman, even though Ba'atar had moved her wagons into the circle with his parents. The woman had lost a mate and three sons to the various hazards that haunt their daily lives, and had ended up with no one to take care of her in these seasons where she was not quite as strong. That she had made it through the harshness of the move was a testament to her strength. The Sky still had plans for her.
What came was a surprise to her. As the old woman gummed the food she made a statement that took the young woman by surprise. "You are very much like her, you do know that don't you?"
"Like who?" The clouded eyes looked over to her. "Like your mother." With her mug of tea, she moved to sit closer to the woman. "You knew my mother?" The old woman nodded then went back to her eating, finally draining the broth from the bottom of the bowl before she started to speak again.
She had known Marianne when she was only a child, and had helped to train her when she first sought out her place at the leather worker's fires. Reaching with calloused fingers that have wielded a needle over many seasons, she found her own mug by touch and continued to talk of the young leather worker, of her beauty, her humor and laughter, her gentleness of spirit, her loyalty and her love for the young kaiila breeder.
Much of this she had known from words her family had spoken, but to hear them from such an unexpected source , brought pains of pride and sadness to her heart, and an almost overwhelming sense of loss. But then again, it was good to hear them, to keep the woman alive in her heart and memory, and it was good to know that others still missed her, even after all this time.
She sat for a long time just listening to the woman talk, Two playing on the old, work carpets at her feet. He was such a good baby, but then to her, all her sons were good. She made her preparations to leave, setting the basket of soft honey cakes beside the old woman, when the woman reached her, grasping her hand. Talua pulled her closer and lifted her hands in search of her features.
She held very still as the trembling, calloused fingers traced along the soft skin of her cheeks, then over her lips then back up and across her eyes. Talua whispered. "You are beautiful, just as she was." Could the old woman's fingers feel the warmth of the blush that spread across her fingers? She had simply nodded and thanked her, then the old woman's hand dropped to lay over her breast and she whispered again. "And you are beautiful in there, just as she was. Never lose that." This brought tears to her eyes and she leaned to hug her gently and promised to visit more often.
Talua said she was tired, and needed to lie down. She had helped the old woman get comfortable, and tucked the blankets in around her, and found herself sitting there, holding her hand until she drifted off.
When she had picked up Two and stepped out of the wagon, juneau had reported that the water barrels were full as were the dung sacks. Nodding she stepped down and took up the reins to the kaiila. There must have been something on her face that caused the girl to ask if Mistress was okay. Smiling, she had nodded.
"My girl, I am better than okay. I think I needed that visit as much as the old leather worker did."
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