It had all started out so nicely. What went wrong?
Polunu had told Fonce that he had what was required of him, including the kaiila. Fonce had quickly agreed that the price had been met, then immediately told her that he wanted to see the kaiila. Little was said between them on the walk to the pens, but she could sense the excitement in him, something that she rarely saw, and found it amusing in a way.
She stepped into the darkness and brought Ciegue to the fence, turning the animal both ways so that Fonce could see he was exactly as he wanted. A fine,young, ebony beast with one white eye and one blue eye. The excitement was still there as he looked the animal over, and asked about it, where she had found it. She told the story, and even told him that she felt the animal was special for more than one reason. How he had been found, where he had been found, how he had reacted.
He kept pressing her to tell him what made him special. Well, how do you explain it? This went in some ways to the difference in what kind of people they both were.
He is one that needs things tied up in parcels, everything neat and tidy, abiding by some sort of rules that made sense to him. Orderly. Finite. Definitive. He was one that was always seeking answers that he could understand. That is just how he is, part of what makes him Fonce.
And her? She is one that takes much of faith, following her heart and her instincts, accepting of things she does not always understand fully. She trusts the world around her, reveling in the differences she sees each day. She does not expect things to make sense. To her, life rarely makes sense, it is simply life. But most of all, she is driven by her heart and what it tells her.
He is a man. She is a woman. Enough said?
He said she was defensive. Was she? If she was, she did not realize it, or intend to be. Protective? Yes. She is always protective of the kaiila, it is just part of who she is. And in the short time she has had this animal, she has grown very fond of him, but she was willing to give him up. Maybe not to just anyone, but she was willing to let him go to Fonce.
But it was not to be. He said he would not take it. What? He had been searching so long for one such as this, but he would not take it? He said something, that upon reflection, she understood better. He said that maybe she was meant to find this animal and not him. That maybe he had not searched hard enough, and that is why she found him instead of himself. Thinking back on it, she realizes that there might be some truth in that. He also said he felt there story was not over, that there was more in store for her and the beast.
She came away confused by it all. In some ways, she felt guilty that he had not kept Ciegue, that he had given the animal back to her. In another way, she was glad, for she truly held an affection for the animal and already a bond had been forming between them.
Part of her hated that she had not been able to fulfill this small request, that perhaps she had disappointed him in some way. But somewhere inside her, she too had the feeling that maybe this was not he kaiila he sought, the one he needed. Was there another out here like it. No, she would almost guarantee that, but, was her destiny with the animal yet to be seen? Only time would tell.
In the end, he walked away. There was no happiness in her heart, only confusion.
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