She was up long before the first rays of the Central Fire began to light the horizon. This was the day that she intended to assert her place in her wagons. The baby was fed, settled into his basket and carried out so she could keep an eye on him.
The night before, she had made the dough for bread, and left it to rise. Kneading it, she shaped the rounds and put them on to bake. One of her most prized possessions was her oven made from aged, fired bricks of mud. Her mother had taught her how to make it, and had actually helped her to make her very first one. Each time they moved, it was dismantled, then when they reached a point where they would stay for more than just one night, it was carefully re-constructed and a fresh coating of mud smeared over the dome, heated until it dried hard, then it was ready to cook in. A fire was built and allowed to burn down to coals, then the cooking began. She used it for making, and for also slowly cooking less tender meats. This morning, it would be used for making bread. Soon the entire area began to smell of the yeasty loaves.
As the bread baked, she carefully sliced a tabuk roast very thin, then mixed the slices with a variety of spices that she used sparingly. Soon she would hope the merchants caravan would come near so that she could trade for more. She would use a knife, cut the center from one of the loaves, stuff it with the meats then wrap it. By the time he was ready to eat it, the juices would have flavored the bread.
She next set to making some of her honey cakes. On a whim, she shaped these into small facsimiles of hearts,then slid them into the oven with the bread. After theyh cooled, they would be wrapped, placed into his bags with small crocks of fresh bosk butter and more honey. The bags were packed carefully, and with a great deal of love. Her mother used to say that work, was love made visible, and he would be able to tell that she had put a lot of thought and work into his meal. Hanging the saddle bags back on the peg, she hung two botas of fresh water. Patrol could be a thirsty thing, and Ba'atar did enjoy his water.
Her next endeavor was their morning meal. Tarsk strips were fried, then vulo eggs were scrambled with small bits of cheese in them, and made creamier by the addition of a few dollops of cream. Blackwine was brewed, and one of the loaves of fresh bread sliced, buttered, drizzled with honey and arranged on a plate. Tug came crawling out of his wagon, rubbing his eyes, and announcing that something smelled good. She had just gotten him settled down with his meal and his mug of milk, when she looked up to see Birmmah approaching.
A bright smile lifted to her lips as she greeted her. "Tal mother of my mate. Please sit, let me get you a mug of blackwine." The woman looked around, a brow lifting seeing the meal that was set out. She said she would pack Ba'atar's bags. She smiled at her. "They are already paced and hanging on the peg, along with his water." That brow arched higher. She walked around, almost as if she were inspecting the immediate area, making sure it was neat, tidy and nothing was in need of her attention.
Stopping at the oven, her head tilted as she studied it. "What is this?" Cana moved over beside her. "It is my oven. My mother helped me with the basic construction, and I find it invaluable for baking." The woman looked at her, then reached out to touch it gingerly, then looked puzzled. "The outside is not as hot as I would have thought." She explained to her that the outer layer of mud helped to keep it from getting too hot to the touch. After all, she would not want one of her sons getting burned by it. The woman made a simple statement. "I like it" Smiling, her arm goes out to hug the woman. "I tell you what. When I find the just right deposit of clay in the stream, we will start making bricks, and we will make you one." Birmmah looked at her again puzzled. "You would help me do this?" "Of course I will. Now come, sit and have some food."
Birmmah moved to lower down beside Tug, still looking around. "I will gather up the laundry today and do it" As she fixed the plate, she smiled over at her. "I did the laundry yesterday afternoon." Moving over to her, she extends the plate with one hand and a mug of blackwine with the other. "I am sure with Aamon and all of you other sons, that you have plenty to do. I feel badly that you have felt compelled to come here to take care of us. I promise that I will do a better job." The woman looks up to study her face as she takes the plate, but she says nothing, and began to eat. Stopping she looked back up. "This is very good, Cana. I did not know you could cook this well." Settling down beside her with her own mug, she smiles. "Birmmah, my mother died when I was barely twelve. I had five brothers, including a newborn one, and had to learn many things very quickly."
The woman continues to eat, seeming to enjoy the bread very much. When she had finished, she sat back with her mug, and studied this woman that was mated to her eldest son for a time. "I have been a little bossy, haven't I?" Now, how do you answer this. The woman had been a true pain in the arse, but you just cannot say that. Instead she simply smiles, reaches over to squeeze the older woman's hand. "Perhaps a bit, but I do understand it. You have taken care of Ba'atar all of his life, and now suddenly, here is this woman that you barely know, wanting to take that away from you. I do not wish to take your son from you, I only wish to share him with you if you will allow it." Her words were genuine, and honest. Birmmah nods slowly. "I think we can do that, and if you are seeing to the needs of Ba'atar, that will give me more time to spend with Aamon and my other sons." Cana cannot even begin to express how relieved she was at this, and leans to kiss the woman's cheek. "Yes you can, and maybe you can find the time to teach the mate of your eldest son how to sew a bit?" Well, the woman brightened right up. "You do not sew?" Shakes her head. "No, when my mother was trying to teach me, I was very young, and more interested in following my brothers around, so I never really learned. Perhaps we can start with small things, like repairing the holes in socks, or rips and rents in tunics or leathers?"
The woman seemed very pleased. "Daughter, by the time I am finished teaching you, you will be making all of your clothing." Cana groans inwardly, wondering just exactly what she had gotten herself into, but still smiles.
Ba'atar came out of the wagon, stretched then hopped to the ground and gives them that irrepressible grin that he has. "Wenches, I hope one of you have food for me." Laughing Cana gets up to go fix him a plate, and he settles down beside Tug, ruffling his hair,then leans across him to kiss his mother's cheek. Watching them she smiles then brings him his meal which he falls upon like he has not eaten in days. "Mother, I think these are the best eggs you have ever made." Birmmah looks to him, then to Cana, then back to him. "I did not make them, your mate did. Do you think I am going to cook for you all of your life?" He looks up, mid-chew, then shakes his head slighly. Birmmah leans to wipe a bit of tarsk from his chin then stands. "You have a mate to cook for you now, and that will give me more time to spoil your brothers and your father. I have a feeling she is going to take very good care of you." Walking over to Cana, she kisses her forehead and whispers. "I will see you later daughter" With that she moves off down the row of wagons, stopping once more to admire the oven briefly.
Ba'atar looks up to Cana. "Well, I hope she packed my saddle bags before she got so huffy." Laughing, she shakes her head. "No my heart, I packed them. Tabuk stuffed inside bread, honey cakes with butter and honey to put on them, and two botas of fresh water." He looked a bit surprised,then grins. Lifting his hand, he crooks a finger to motion her closer. Moving to him, she settles down beside him. He gulps down the last few bites, then reaches over to grasp her waist and pull her into his lap, nuzzling her ear, and whispers. "Good, and tonight you will fix me a nice meal,for I have plans for us that will require much strength." Settling into his lap, she was laughing, then leans to kiss that little area just behind his ear and whispers. "I look forward to it, my strong, handsome warrior."
Yes, it was a good morning.